
10 november 2021

EFCA launches ‘Which way to go? – Strategic scenarios for consulting engineers’

The European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations (EFCA) has launched a report today aimed at business leaders making critical decisions in times of high uncertainty.


The EFCA Future Trends Committee, together with the Center for Strategy and Scenario Planning at HHL Graduate School of Management, Leipzig, explored the future and examined possible strategic developments.


A way of providing direction in times of uncertainty is to start with scenarios that show how the future might unfold in completely different ways. The report describes four future scenarios for the consulting engineering industry, based on ‘critical uncertainties’.

These scenarios inspire the reader to locate their thoughts within a well-described reality that might actually occur to a certain extent.


‘Now is the right moment to explore the future and examine possible strategic developments, says Jeffrey Seeck, Chair of the EFCA Future Trends Committee. ‘Representing industry associations, we want to give our member companies an overview of the current situation and support them as they navigate the fog, to find their individual strategic positions’.


Source: EFCA

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