
7 september 2020

EFCA webinar ‘Good MEAT criteria and successful projects – Good practices from Holland’

Almost 50 participants learned about ‘good MEAT criteria and successful projects’ at today’s EFCA webinar. After the introductory explanation of all relevant arguments for the use of the MEAT award criterion, a series of practical and real-life examples was presented. The second part focused on the legal perspective, thereby underlining overarching procurement concepts and the proportionality principle. The third part looked at the five-step methodology for deriving MEAT criteria.


The discussion raised a number of issues including the assessment of quality criteria (evaluation of bids) and the application of the objectivity principle.


The speakers at the event included Jaap De Koning (Witteveen+Bos, Chair EFCA Internal Market Committee) and Andrea Chao (Simmons&Simmons).


You can view a recording of the webinar below. The documents are made available through the links under the video.

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